How Two-Way Messaging is Transforming Reporting: A Q&A with the University of Essex

Gemma McCall

| Case management
| 5 min read

Two-Way Messaging is a powerful tool for organisations looking to enhance their reporting processes, especially when it comes to engaging anonymous reporters. 

Stefan Pintilie, Diversity and Engagement Manager at the University of Essex; one of our valued partners, shared their experience of using this feature, and the impact it has had on their safeguarding efforts.

The University of Essex contributed significantly to beta testing, providing invaluable feedback that has helped refine the Two-Way Messaging feature to create meaningful impact for Report + Support users. This Q&A highlights the tangible benefits of Two-Way Messaging, showcasing how it empowers organisations to enhance their reporting processes, build trust, and take proactive steps in safeguarding.

1. How has Two-Way Messaging improved your ability to support anonymous reporters?

Two-Way Messaging has significantly enhanced our ability to support anonymous reporters by allowing us to provide detailed information and clarity on what happens after a report is made. For individuals who may not have had the confidence to come forward initially, this tool has empowered them to ask questions and gain more insight, making the reporting process less daunting. As a result, people have felt more informed and reassured, fostering trust in the system and the University’s handling of reports.

2. What benefits have you seen in terms of communication and follow-up after a report is made?

Even though we’ve always shared reporting flowcharts and guidance, the tool has brought clarity about the reporting structure. By creating a direct channel of communication, we’ve been able to clarify processes and ensure students and staff receive the support they need, by allowing them to ask us questions and find out more about how cases and reports are being managed. 

Notably, we’ve seen anonymous reports transition to disclosed reports because individuals, after engaging through Two-Way Messaging, gained the confidence to come forward for further support. There were five reports that moved from anonymous to disclosed in the autumn term. This has been instrumental in building trust and improving outcomes.

3. Can you share any specific examples of how this feature has helped you fulfil your safeguarding duties?

One notable example involved reports of bullying and harassment in a specific campus location. An anonymous reporter provided detailed information through the messaging feature, enabling us to act swiftly. We increased security patrols in the area and conducted targeted bystander awareness sessions for the community as well as a communications campaign. As a result, incidents in that area stopped, and follow-up checks with students confirmed a significant improvement in the environment. This scenario certified for us how this tool supports proactive and preventative safeguarding measures.

4. How easy was it to integrate the Two-Way Messaging feature into your existing processes?

Integration was remarkably seamless, primarily because of the comprehensive preparation beforehand. Culture Shift provided clear guidance on how the feature works, direction on creating templates for responses, encouraged scenario-based training sessions, and we developed escalation flow charts, which were all invaluable before launching this feature. 

The guidance from Culture Shift has been a key starting point in creating all the necessary preparation. This upfront planning ensured that when we launched the feature, we felt confident in using it effectively.

5. How do you feel about the security and privacy aspects of the messaging feature?

So far, we’ve had no concerns regarding security and privacy. While we can never predict the full range of reports we might receive, the robust design of the feature has ensured privacy is maintained. 

The benefits we’ve experienced in terms of improved communication and outcomes far outweigh any initial uncertainties. In our guidance to both staff supporting reporters, as well as people reporting, we have been very clear around the parameters of anonymous reporting and privacy, and we have established clear boundaries on what actions can be taken from anonymous reporting too which helps ease the concerns around the type of incidents our team handles.

“I’m so proud that Culture Shift is now able to offer Two-Way Messaging. This additional form of communication represents a significant step forward for people reporting harmful behaviours and organisations as it allows meaningful, secure communication with anonymous reporters, something that has often held organisations back from adopting anonymous reporting. 

The primary concern for organisations is that they would be unable to do anything with an anonymous report, something that we feel passionately is not true. However, this additional feature helps to address that concern for organisations and, more importantly, allows organisations to build trust, manage reporter’s expectations about what could happen next, and take proactive safeguarding actions while fostering a culture of accountability and support.” Gemma McCall, CEO & Cofounder at Culture Shift.

If you’d like to learn more about how Two-Way Messaging could benefit your organisation, get in touch with your Success Manager today. 

If you are interested in a demo of Report + Support and Two-Way Messaging please click here.

For more information on Two-Way Messaging click here.

Gemma McCall

I am the co-founder and CEO of Culture Shift, a SAAS company that believes in using tech to bring positive change to people all over the world. For over six years, I have been leading the development and growth of our real-time reporting platform, which empowers organisations to identify and prevent unacceptable behaviours, such as bullying, harassment, and discrimination.

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