Reports, case management and analytics all in
one platform

A safe, simple tool enabling people to report culture-damaging behaviour directly to you.


Streamlined reporting

40% of people have either experienced or witnessed culture damaging behaviour at work, but only 39% of people spoke up.

Our research informed reporting process is designed specifically to remove unwanted barriers to reporting

  • An anonymous reporting platform that gives people the confidence to speak up
  • Named reporting route that connects people with employer for direct support
  • A way to replace confusing or intimidating reporting pathways that prevent speaking up, with a clear and accessible process

Effective case management

34% of people are dissatisfied with how their reports are handled, build a process people can trust

Improve your case team’s performance with a consistent and well documented case management process

  • Define and uphold your response strategy
  • Enhanced case management features giving you greater control over each case
  • Align to your internal processes with customisable forms and process mapping
Here to help
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“I’d love to show you how some of our existing partners are using our platform to create a speak-up culture in their organisation”

Gemma Donnelly - New Partnerships Manager

Talk to Gemma

Powerful analytics

Only 30% of CHROs report a positive ROI on culture driving initiatives. Without knowing what issues are impacting your organisation, it’s easy to invest into the wrong areas

Let data guide your decision making, and be confident in the action you’re taking to address real problems

  • See data at an aggregated level and follow trends, not hunches
  • Total control of data presentation to identify key areas of concern and focus for both strategic planning and tactical intervention
  • Get the right support to the right people for a greater impact

Activation and awareness

39% of people who choose not to report workplace harassment feel they would not be believed or taken seriously

We help you to take meaningful action to close the trust gap; the space between what your employees are experiencing, and what they feel safe to let you know about

  • Ready to use campaigns to help raise awareness of reporting routes, and encourage behaviour change
  • Expertly crafted resources to encourage professional development and inform your strategic planning
  • Insight Reports for more comprehensive internal and external communication of your culture management work