How to use insights from anonymous reports effectively

Chelsea Maher

| Case management
| 2 min read

What tangible action can you take when you receive a number of anonymous reports and identify a potential toxic culture within a your institution?

So, you’ve received a number of anonymous reports, and they’re all relating to one particular area or faculty within your institution… what can you do with that information?

Licensees of Report and SupportTM up and down the country often ponder that exact question, and this podcast will provide you will some helpful guidance on what tangible action you can take with the data gathered through your reporting system.

The podcast is led by Gemma McCall, co-founder of Culture Shift (the organisation behind the Report + Support system), and Kelsey Paske, the Preventing Sexual Misconduct Manager at UCL (University College London.)

Between them they discuss UCL’s innovative approach to taking action, and how they work with the trends they identify to take a proactive approach to tackling toxic cultures and behaviours on campus. Kelsey will be discussing the newly launched Environmental Investigations initiative that is currently being trialed at UCL – an initiative specifically designed to use the data and information they gather to take a proactive and preventative approach.

Environmental Investigations allow UCL to understand many things about the data including the context of anonymous reporting, barriers to reporting and key interventions that would be useful to prevent in future.

Chelsea Maher

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