Core Programme

Responder Training

Responder Training is a full day interactive workshop that will upskill responders so that they can offer the best service, support and resolution to those who have experienced culture damaging behaviours. This course is for anybody interacting with and responding to reports, including; Wellbeing Teams, HR, Case Workers, Harassment Advisors, Employee Relations, EDI teams.

We cover what makes a good responder to reports, and take participants on the journey that a report could take, from when the individual submits a report to resolution of the report, providing key considerations for responders to take at each point. 

You will learn about the different types of reports that you might receive, how to complete a risk assessment of a report and the range of different ways you can resolve a report effectively. 

We discuss trauma-informed practice, go into detail on how to have a trauma-informed conversation with a reporter and how to act in a way which will build trust in your organisation’s response to reports. 

The session is interactive and encourages participants to reflect on their organisation’s policies and processes. At the end of the programme, participants will apply their learning to example reports.  

Are you a new responder, looking to build knowledge and confidence in your ability to respond?

Are you an experienced responder, looking to reflect on your practice and think about how it could be improved?

This course is designed for varying levels of experience. We use the space to share experiences, knowledge and perspective. 

Lastly, but by no means least important, we talk about how to look after yourself and your personal wellbeing when responding to reports. 

Ticket Tailor Link for Purchase

If you are looking to send a whole-team of responders on this training, we may be able to provide a discount. Please contact us to discuss this on… 

Responding to Reports of Gender-based Violence (Follow-up) 

This is a 1.5 hour seminar-style training which follows the Responder Training core programme. It provides foundational knowledge and understanding around Gender-based Violence (GBV) that can be applied to responding to reports, and explains how responders can respond to reports of GBV in a way which minimises risk of harm to all parties involved, and builds trust in your organisation’s response to reports of GBV. 

Tickets here

Or can be purchased as a bundle with the Responder Training core programme here.

Participants must have completed the Responder Training core programme before attending. 

If you would be interested in having your staff trained on this topic without completing the Responder Training first, please contact us for a conversation on… 

Anti-oppressive Practice in Responding to Reports (Follow-up)

This is a 1.5 hour seminar-style training which follows the Responder Training core programme. It provides foundational knowledge and understanding around anti-oppressive practice, and what it means to practice in an anti-oppressive way when responding to reports. It explores good practice when approaching reports submitted by marginalised communities, in order to respond to reports in a way which builds trust in your organisation’s response to reports.

Tickets here

Or can be purchased as a bundle with the Responder Training core programme here.

Participants must have completed the Responder Training core programme before attending. 

If you would be interested in having your staff trained on this topic without completing the Responder Training first, please contact us for a conversation below.