Toxic workplace culture is causing employees to turn down job offers

Chelsea Maher

| Leadership
| 3 min read

The ‘great resignation’ has seen many businesses lose valued members of staff in the aftermath of the pandemic. This, alongside the skills shortages affecting most if not all sectors, means there has never been more pressure on organisations to understand what is truly important to their people.

From work-life balance, to trusting their employers and colleagues, positive workplace experiences are more important than ever before, yet our research shows leaders are failing to put measures in place to protect their people.

In fact, the research reveals two in five employees across the UK have experienced negative behaviour at work and 44% have witnessed problematic behaviour. This shows there is still work to be done to ensure employees aren’t experiencing problematic behaviour at work.

Leaders also need to be aware of the impact being known for having a toxic workplace culture can have on the reputation of an organisation.

Potential employees are now considering a lot more than just the job title and salary when pursuing a role. Of course, the right salary is important, but for many the most important thing is the workplace culture, and how they fit into that.

Our new research reveals that two thirds of the UK’s workforce wouldn’t accept a job with a company known for having a toxic workplace culture. In fact, almost half (46%) of employees wouldn’t apply for a job with a company that had poor online reviews, let alone accept a job.

What’s more, almost half (45%) of UK employees would leave a bad review online or warn people about applying for a job with the company due to bad culture.

A bad reputation for workplace culture can also hurt a company’s bottom line by making it harder to recruit top talent and driving away consumers and investors.

In fact, almost two-thirds of people say they wouldn’t buy from a company with a bad reputation for employee treatment, while three-quarters of investors wouldn’t invest in a company with a problematic workplace culture.

The true impact toxic workplace culture has on an organisation really shouldn’t be underestimated. From influencing future applicants and investors, to affecting the lives of those experiencing and witnessing bullying, problematic behaviour in the workplace often has a lasting impact on both an organisation and its people.

The only way organisations can reduce this risk is to commit to eradicating problematic behaviour in the workplace by putting culture at the top of their agenda. There will never be a one size fits all approach for all organisations to adhere to, however there are steps which all leaders can put in place to ensure they’re protecting their culture.

Chelsea Maher

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